同济大学FABO|中国“数制”工坊受邀参加美国旧金山 Maker Fair |创客嘉年华,展示“地书”机器人项目,成为亮点!
MakerFaire is an event that gathers tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators,tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, andcommercial exhibitors. All of these “makers” come to Maker Faire to show whatthey have made and to share what they have learned. Since the first edition in2006, the event grew with 191 Faires in 38 countries around the world and anincreasing total of 1.400.000 attendees per year in 2016.
3Flagship, 155 independently-produced Mini and 33 Featured Maker Faires occurredaround the world in 2016, including Tokyo, Rome, Detroit, Oslo and Shenzhen.
Maker Faire是一个聚集技术爱好者,手工艺人,教育家,修补匠,爱好者,工程师,科学俱乐部,作家,艺术家,学生和商业参展商的活动。 所有这些创客都来到Maker Faire,展示他们所做的并分享他们所学到的东西。 自2006年第一版以来,该活动增长到在全球38个国家的191场,2016年每年参观人数增加到14万人次。
2016年,全世界有3个旗舰活动,155个独立的Mini和33个精选的Maker Faire,包括东京,罗马,底特律,奥斯陆和深圳。
Image 1: facts about MakerFaires in 2016
图1:Maker Faire 2016的成果
Image 2: Collage of 2017 Bay Area Maker Faire
图2:Maker Faire 2017的现场照片拼集
The latest edition ofMaker Faire Bay Area took place on Friday May 19th to Sunday 21st. This eventis one of the biggest organized by Make Magazine, three days dedicated to innovation,inventions, startups, steam education, art, fun, and everything that identifieswith the Maker Culture. San Francisco's Bay is the place where many digitalrevolutions were designed and took place and is also home to America's mostimaginative "do-it-yourself" spirit.
At Fablab O we allknew it would have been a great opportunity to visit this exhibtion, but... wewanted to be more than simple visitors!
Our Fab Academystudent, J.Travis Russet, had just completed his Machine Design assignment calledDishuBOT, a machine capable of painting calligraphy on the ground and we toughtit would have been great to exhibit this project in Bay Area. The applicationswere closed months before, but we sent it to the Maker Faire organizers anyway,hoping for a positive response. The same day our application was accepted andeven featured on the homepage of the Faire's website... yes we were going toSan Francisco!
今年美国旧金山湾区MakerFaire 在5月19日星期五至星期日21日举办。这个活动是由Make 杂志组织的最大的活动之一,三天致力于创新,创新,创业,蒸汽教育,艺术,乐趣以及与创客文化相关的一切。旧金山湾是许多数字革命的设计和发生的地方,也是美国最有想象力的“自己动手”的精神。
在Fablab O我们都知道这将是一个很好的机会参观这个展览,但是...我们不仅仅是简单的游客!
我们的Fab学院学生J.Travis Russet刚刚完成了他的机器设计作品“DishuBOT”,这是一个能够在地面上绘画书法的机器,我们认为在湾区展出这个项目是非常棒的。这些申请是在几个月前关闭的,但是我们还是把它发送给了MakerFaire组织者,希望得到积极的回应。同一天,我们的申请被接受,甚至在展会网站的主页上显示了...是的,我们要去旧金山!
Image 3: Fablab O Dishu Machine project was featured onMaker Faire homepage
图3:Fablab O Dishu 机器作品在Maker Faire的主页上出现
On Friday morningfinding our boot was not easy, we didn't realize just how big and crowded theevent center was and how many exhibitors were present at the Faire: in threedays 125.000 visitors from 49 countries around the world, 1200 maker's projectsand 53 international maker's projects. Eventually we settle down ourexhibition, including the latest FABO education projects, samples, stickers andthe DishuBOT, programmed to paint the poetry "Drinking Wine" on bigrolls of paper. The weather was so hot, we could not use the brush and waterbecause the water was drying too soon, but we thought ahead of this andprepared in advance an additional effector that could hold a black marker.
星期五早上发现我们的开端并不容易,我们没有意识到活动中心有多大和拥挤,以及有多少参展商在展会上出席:三天来,全球49个国家的125,000名观众,1200个创客的项目和 53个国际创客的项目。 最终,我们安排了我们的展览,包括最新的FABO教育项目,样品,贴纸和DishuBOT。DishuBOT在一大张宣纸上写下编程好的诗词《饮酒》 。天气很热,我们不能使用刷子和水,因为水会立刻干。但是我们提前想到这一点,并提前准备了一个可以容纳记号笔的附加效应器。
Image 4: Ted Hung from Fablab Taipei visited our exhibition table
图4:Fablab台北的Ted Hung到访了展台
Image 5: The Dishu Machine painting the poetry"Drinking Wine" with the black marker
The response from thevisitor has been outstanding, fellow makers and professionals found the designvery interesting and complimented us on the technical aspects, but also casualvisitors, kids, mothers, boys and girls, people of all ages, they were enthusiastand stopped at our table, enchanted by the slow, rhythmic movements of theDishuBOT. Many of them were Chinese Americans, and they could read and evenperform the poetry, like two young girls from Taiwan.
来访者的反应很棒,同行的创客和专家发现设计非常有趣,称赞我们技术方面过硬。而且休闲的游客,孩子们,母亲,男孩和女孩,各年龄段的人们都对这个机器很狂热,纷纷停在 我们的桌子旁,被DishuBOT的缓慢,有节奏的动作迷住。 其中许多美籍华人,比如两个来自台湾的女孩,都阅读甚至为其表演诗歌。
Image 6: Two young visitors from Taiwan performing the reading of the poetry
We also had theopportunity to participate to the traditional "Maker Mixer andDinner", an evening networking event open to makers and exhibitor. We metmakers from around the world and showed them the activities we conduct and thefuture plans of FABO, and we also met Dale Dougherty, founder and CEO of MakeMedia, with whom we had a nice talk about the importance of Shanghai as thecity that will add "Designed in China" to "Made in China",a vision FABO keeps enduring.
我们还有幸参加传统的“Maker Mixer and Dinner”,这是一个向创客和展商开放的夜间社交活动。我们会见了来自世界各地的创客,向他们展示了我们所从事的活动以及FABO的未来计划,并且还会见了Make Media的创始人兼首席执行官Dale Dougherty,我们对上海的重要性进行了深入的交流,讲述将“中国设计”加入“中国制造”的FABO的长久愿景。
Image 7: Meeting makers from Japan at the"Maker Mixer and Dinner" event
图7: 在“Maker Mixer and Dinner”上会面日本创客
After three memorabledays, while we were about to pack our stuff, we received the visit from one ofthe organizer of the Maker Faire, and she was so impressed by our projects thatshe awarded a "Best in Class" red ribbon to us! This was a great wayto end another successful event for the FABO team!
在三个难忘的日子之后,当我们要收拾我们的行李的时候,我们收到了Maker Faire的一个组织者的访问。她对我们的项目印象深刻,给我们颁发了“最佳班级”红丝带,为此次FABO团队的这次活动画上了圆满的句号!
Image 8: Maker Faire organizer awarded uswith a "Best in Class" red ribbon on Sunday
图8:Maker Faire组织者周日授予我们“最佳班级”红丝带。